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Q: Why do I need to "convert" my Saiga?
A: Most Saiga shotguns and rifles are imported in a "sporting" configuration that do not come with several ergonomic features such as the pistol grip. By "converting" your sporter Saiga with the minimum amount of US made parts, one can restore said firearm to it's original "combat" configuration. One can spend a lot of time and money finding rare and authentic parts in order to transform a Saiga into a true AK battle rifle. For most consumers we recommend at least moving the fire control group into the correct position, along with adding and Ak stock and pistol grip. One would need the following parts: Ak butt stock, pistol grip, trigger guard, fire control group, and if your state allows the use of high capacity magazines, we also recommend the installation of a bullet guide. This can be done at home with basic handtools, or if you want to leave it to the professionals we offer a high quality conversion service.

Q: What do I need to do to make my IZ-132 have standard AK hand guards?
A: One would need the following parts: A bolt on lower hand guard retainer, a standard AK gas tube, and the AK upper and lower hand guards.

Q: Why is the butt stock welded in the open position on some of your models?
A: Based on the current laws they must be welded open for importing purposes. If the firearm is converted to 922r compliance then legally it can be modified and the folder can be made to work. Otherwise, as it is currently imported, these models are not 922r compliant and one is not legally allowed to use high capacity magazines or modify the functionality of the firearm.

Q: The Saiga 12 IZ-433 is a more expensive model, why would I want one?
A: The IZ-433 is more geared towards those that emphasize self-defense, and is also adept for competition shooting; as the magwell allows quicker and more accurate reloads. It's a good choice for those that don't wish to modify their shotguns extensively, as most modifications involve the installation of convenience items such as Last Round Bolt Hold Open installation. However, the reviever of this shotgun can be modified just like that of the regular Saiga 12 IZ-109 shotgun.The IZ-433 also comes with a factory picatinny rail for mounting scopes and accessories, as well as a hinged dust cover. It also has a self-regulating gas system that mitigates the cycling problem some Saigas have. As always, cheap, low brass ammunition is not recommended for these shotguns.

Q: What is the difference between a IZ-433 with a magwell and a IZ-412, IZ-407, IZ-406, IZ-109 or other shotguns without one?
A: A shotgun with a magwell like a Saiga-12 IZ-433 has a shroud for the magazine which guides its travel and makes reloading easier. The IZ-433 also has additional convenience features such as: a Bolt Hold Open (BHO) feature that keeps the bolt held open after the last round has been expended, facilitating reloading.

Q: Can I use a Vepr 12 magazine in a Saiga IZ-433 and vice-versa?
A: The factory Saiga 8 round magwell magazine will work in both the IZ-433 and the Vepr 12 shotgun. The Vepr 12 magazine will needs to have the rear tab filed down in order to work in the IZ-433.

Q: Is there a difference between magwell and non-magwell magazines?
A: The magwell magazines lack a tab on the top front of the magazine, and the follower is slightly taller. These differences mean that standard “rock and lock” magazines will not work with shotguns with a magwell.

Q: What is a shotgun with a magwell, and how does it affect the shotgun's operation?
A: A magwell is a shroud that fits over the magazine slot which serves as a guide for the magazine allowing easier insertion of the magazine into the receiver slot. This is in contrast to a non-magwell shotgun which requires a rocking motion to insert the magazine into the receiver.

Q: Are there any types of magazines that will work with magwell equipped shotguns besides factory ones?
A: There are several alternatives to the factory magazines, however after extensive testing; we recommend only using factory magazines. SGM produces 8, 10 and 12 round magazines for the magwell shotguns. Another option is to take your existing standard Saiga 12 rock and lock magazine such as AGP and modify it to fit in the magwell shotguns by cutting off the front locking tab, and fitting the magazine to lock into place.

Q: How do you clean a Saiga 12?
A: Depending on the type of ammunition you’re firing, your gas piston may get fouled to the point of malfunction after 200 rounds or 1,000 rounds. To clean, unscrew the gas regulator completely and remove. Then remove the dust cover and bolt carrier assembly. Using a long shaft, slide it through the gas tube from the rear and knock out the gas piston (puck). Finally, thoroughly clean inside the gas tube, clean the piston, and then reassemble. No oil should be used in the gas system. For the trigger and action, a light coat of oil can be used on key friction points (where you may see paint coming off from use.)

Q: Why does my Saiga 12 have problems cycling rounds?
A: There are many different reasons why your shotgun is not cycling properly. Typically the reason for improper cycling is the use of low brass ammunition, as the Saiga's gas system is designed specifically for high powered ammo. Saigas also undergo a "break-in period" the more the shotgun is fired, the better it tends to work. Another reason a Saiga-12 would not cycle properly may have to do with factory defects in the gas ports. Every gun is different some will fire flawlessly no matter what; a small minority require some modification to the gas ports for them to work properly.

Q: I had the ports on my Saiga 12 expanded and I’m still having cycling issues.
A: Sometimes when the ports are enlarged on a Saiga 12, the person doing the port job does not angle the enlarged ports properly, leading to a tendency for the ports to get clogged with unburned powder residue. If your Saiga has expanded ports and the FTE’s gradually get worse check your ports and make sure they’re not clogged.

Q: What is the difference between a milled and stamped receiver?
A: The main difference between the two receivers is that the milled one is cut of from a solid piece of metal, where as the stamped receiver is a sheet of metal that is formed by pressing it with a machine press. The Milled receiver was used in the original deign of the AK-47. This process resulted in a very robust design , however it requires much more labor to manufacture, so when the AK-74 was created, the manufacturing of receivers switched to a stamping process. Stamped receivers are lighter, and are a great combination with the "loose" tolerances that make AK variants so inherently reliable to this day. People may argue that a stamped receiver AK's are not as accurate as their milled counterpart, however it is really just the faster heat dissipation properties that the milled receiver has, allowing giving the perception of higher accuracy. If you want high accuracy out of your AK, do not go out firing 30 round magazine dumps, and then expecting 1 inch groups from the bench afterwards! Based on our experience, the difference between a good grouping of shots fired, can heavily rely on the ammunition that is used.

We at Legion USA Inc pride ourselves on quality and customer satisfaction; we will take every step necessary to ensure that you have a working product, we can perform work to any part of the gun, and we will guide you to any resources needed to finish your customization.